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Here are some other tasks we do for local businesses.
Share a link or image of a local business on social media to help with exposure.
Visit a local business website and tell us about your experience. Would you buy from this local business? Tell us why or why not.
For this task, we would send you 1-3 posters to put up on local bulletins or other local spaces.
Choose a business you’ve visited from a list we provide, leave a google review for that business.
Choose a local business from a list, preferably one that you were going to visit anyways and provide feedback about the business.
For this type of task, we would either send you flyers or ask you to print the flyers. Pass out the flyers to friends, family or people passing by.
Refer friends to Local Tasks so we can do more for our local businesses. We’ll pay for each friend you refer. (Only available for certain areas)
Types of tasks vary from business to business and from city to city. To learn about the tasks in your area, fill out the form and we’ll respond with the available tasks.
Silly name. Serious results.